Showing posts with label HPLC -trouble shooting-. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HPLC -trouble shooting-. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

trouble shooting

Troubleshooting High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Do you have a problem with any of the following topics?

1.Peaks button1.gif (70 bytes)

2.Leaks button1.gif (70 bytes)

3.Recovery button1.gif (70 bytes)

4. Sensitivity button1.gif (70 bytes)

5. Retention button1.gif (70 bytes)

6. Equilibration button1.gif (70 bytes)

7.Baseline button1.gif (70 bytes)

8. Pressure button1.gif (70 bytes)

Broad Peak Causes and Solutions

Cause Solution

Analytes eluted early due to sample overloadDilute sample 1:10 and reinject
Detector-cell volume too largeUse smallest possible cell volume consistent with sensitivity needs; use detector with no heat exchanger in system
Injection volume too largeDecrease solvent strength of injection solvent to focus solute; inject smaller volume
Large extra column volumeUse low- or zero-dead-volume endfittings and connectors; use smallest possible diameter of connecting tubing (<0.10>
Mobile-phase solvent viscosity too highIncrease column temperature; change to lower viscosity solvent
Peak dispersion in injector valveDecrease injector sample loop size; introduce air bubble in front and back of sample in loop
Poor column efficiencyUse smaller-particle-diameter packing, lower-viscosity mobile phase, higher column temperature, or lower flow rate
Retention time too longUse gradient elution or stronger isocratic mobile phase
Sampling rate of data system too lowIncrease sampling frequency
Slow detector time constantAdjust time constant to match peak width
Some peaks broad - late elution of analytes retained from previous injectionFlush column with strong solvent at end of run; end gradient at higher solvent concentration

Ghost Peaks: Causes and Solution

Possible Cause Solution

ContaminationFlush column to remove contaminatint; use HPLC-grade solvent
Elution of analytes retained from previous injectionFlush column with strong solvent at end of run; end gradient at higher solvent concentration.
Ion-pair chromatography - upset equilibriumPrepare sample in mobile phase; reduce injection volume
Oxidation of trifluoroacetic acid in peptide mappingPrepare trifluoroacetic acid solutions fresh daily; use antioxidant
Reversed-phase chromatography - contaminated waterCheck suitability of water by running different amounts through column and measure peak height of interferences as function of enrichment time; clean water by running it through old reversed-phase column; use HPLC-grade water.
Unknown interferences in sampleUse sample cleanup or prefractionation before injection.

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